Bees put a lot of effort into making beeswax! It’s amazing how many uses there are for it. Considering everything it does for us including health benefits, hobby, and other everyday applications, beeswax is certainly a gift from our little honeybee friends!
Our pure Alberta beeswax is certified organic and does not go bad. Over time it will develop a white film called “bloom”, but not to worry. Just add a little heat and it will disappear!
Beeswax has been used since prehistory as the first plastic, as a lubricant and waterproofing agent, in lost wax casting of metals and glass, as a polish for wood and leather, for making candles, as an ingredient in cosmetics, and as an artistic medium in encaustic painting. It’s also the key ingredient in pysanky egg decorating! You can also use beeswax to make reusable food wraps, lip balms, creams, salves, moustache wax, and it even seals wood cutting boards!